Helga Fanderl – and her 1000 movies
Super 8 Mag #13 – out now
Helga Fanderl – the woman who made 1000 movies
No editing after shooting, only projections, nothing longer than three minutes, silent – the dogmas of Helga Fanderl. The 78-year-old from Berlin (and Paris) has been an enthusiastic Super 8 filmmaker since 1986. She travels the world with her films. “All you have to do is invite me,” says the agile filmmaker. She is our discovery of the year!
Workshops worldwide
It has become so difficult to find a repair address for movie cameras or projectors. Samuel Preston has set out and researched worldwide: Who repairs what? The result is sobering: there are not many left. But 28 active companies responded to our inquiries. A lot from the USA.
Personalities in boxes – How do you develop expired films?
Ben Slotover from the UK is an expert in developing expired film stock. In this issue of Super 8 Magazine, he shares his best recipes. Also important: Which films are worth the effort?
Impossible? Think again: Breathe new life into Nizo sound movie cameras
Stefan vom Stein describes how to repair the Nizo Sound models. Until now, broken belts were considered the death knell for the camera. You have to remove the entire interior to replace the belt. Unless, that is, you do it like Stefan vom Stein.
Narrow film in the Balkans – Super 8 in Romania
Karsten Weber from the Chaos Film Group in Kiel (Germany) describes a trip to an analog paradise – Romania. Who would have thought? Insights into a film festival and a museum in the Balkans.
A German in Paris: David Neumann dreams on Super 8
Analog photography and filming just fit so well in the City of Love – Paris. That’s what film enthusiast David Neumann has discovered, and he reports on his Super 8 films, all of which are set in his new home on the Seine.
Coming in the next issue: a special edition celebrating “60 years of Super 8”
An anniversary we don’t want to miss. The unusual review of every year in the Super 8 cosmos. A subscription to our magazine is now twice as worthwhile!
Here you get your copy or a subscription: www.super8mag.de/shop