Super 8 Magazine #5
Starring: The new Kodak Super 8 Camera
The new issue of Super 8 Magazine #5 will be released next week.
Here you can find the annual subscription including the new issue: https://www.mysuper8.net/shop/4x-super-8-annual-subscription/
And here you can get a copy of the new issue:
Here are the topics:
The new Kodak Super 8 camera: “Later this year”.
Is it coming or not? And if so, how much will it cost? News about a camera that everyone already thought was dead. In an extensive cover story, Jürgen Lossau explores what has happened to the camera in recent years and what the prospects are for seeing the hybrid model in action this year.
Yves Béhar: The camera design of a film enthusiast
His parents were cinephiles, and at 12 he was shooting and editing his own Super 8 films. The form designer Yves Béhar was allowed to shape the Super-8 camera for Kodak and describes his work.
Hi-Tech made by Kodak – the changed technical specifications
At its core, the Kodak Super 8 camera, as it was presented at the 2016 CES trade show, has remained true to itself. But there are changed details, for example on the housing, the battery and the software.
Double 8 makes double fun: Filming with 8mm spring work cameras
Florian Cramer introduces interesting 8mm cameras and tells why working with the Double 8 film format is so wonderfully analog. Oldschool craft, more decelerated than Super 8.
Tour de Film: Ten years of bicycle races accompanied
Andreas Scheffer shot an entertaining, very personal 15-minute documentary on Super 8. About nimble riders, big bellies and a small boy – a documentary with idiosyncratic image effects. In an interview, he talks about the ideas behind the film.
Skaters on Super 8: Dan Schulz mixes digital with analog
Skaters and their tricks – that’s the passion of Berlin-based Dan Schulz. It can take a few hours of digital filming to capture a simple trick. That would be too expensive in Super 8. But it’s the atmosphere and the beautiful images that Schulz captures with his Nizo.
Prototypes – never built film cameras
Whether 8mm, Super 8, Single 8, Double Super 8 or 16mm – in all film formats there are many camera designs that never came to fruition. We present some technically particularly special specimens here – as a foretaste of the upcoming book PROTOTYPE.
Here you can find the annual subscription including the new issue: https://www.mysuper8.net/shop/4x-super-8-annual-subscription/
And here you can get a copy of the new issue: