First Test of the new Ektachrome 100D
With 10 Super 8 cameras
super8.tv has already taken a close look at the new Kodak Ektachrome 100D. Amazing results came to light. First of all, the film stock is much more natural in the skin tones than the old Ektachrome, which was sold until about seven years ago. The real sensation, however, is the wide exposure latitude.
We tested the Ektachrome cartridge in ten Super 8 cameras. In this test, only three models can read the ISO/ASA 100 of the material correctly (Leicina Special, Nizo 2056, Beaulieu 4008 ZM4). The seven other models read between ISO/ASA 40 and 64. Nevertheless, the brightness of the scenes is sufficient and the colors are great. Apparently, it no longer matters whether the camera can read the ISO/ASA correctly. That’s the great advantage of the new material: It makes nearly all cameras usable.
In order to verify this error-free, we have selected one model from the different camera classes of various brands. The results of a Bauer C4 can be transferred to the models C6 and C8, for example, with the Nizo 561 macro, they are transferable to all models with the exposure meter battery of this series.
We exposed the Ektachrome in the Nizo 561 macro with the correct, earlier 1.35V batteries and also made an attempt with the now available 1.5V batteries. Actually, this would have to lead well to a wrong aperture. However, this is hardly to watch in the movie. Even an accidentally swirled conversion filter like in the Agfa Microflex 200, which has no switch for daylight/artificial light, can not bring the film out of balance. Although the pictures are slightly reddish, but quite usable. For the Agfa Microflex, a screw must be turned into a thread to swing out the conversion filter. It does not recognize the corresponding encoding of the cartridge.
In terms of grain, the material appears to be finer grained than the earlier Ektachrome 64T, but slightly more grained than the Ektachrome 100D marketed seven years ago. Here are more tests needed to be precise.
The film strip ran in all cases without complaint through the cameras. The film shown here has not been corrected in terms of brightness, color or frame steadiness. The movie was taken at 18 frames per second, the scan at 25 frames per second. In the projection, the scenes seemed more luminous. This may be related to the scan.
Kodak will distribute the new film according to their press release starting from October 1st in the USA. The product is expected in Europe at the end of October. The price in America will be around US-$ 40 per cartridge without processing. The classic E-6 development will probably be more expensive in the future, because – according to insiders – the manufacturer Tetenal has increased the prices of the developing substances recently.
In addition to Super 8, Kodak also claims to offer 16 mm film stock and unperforated 16 mm material from which service providers or manufacturers could produce Double 8 or Double Super 8. However, according to the manufacturer, those companies have to buy larger quantities of the Ektachrome 100D from Kodak.
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Hi, this is great news. If you like I can scan these films for you using our frame/frame scanner creating real 18 fps video files.
Edwin van Eck – Van Eck Video Services.