Kodak Medallion 8 Movie Camera Turret

Kodak Medallion 8 Movie Camera Turret

ManufacturerEastman Kodak Co., Rochester, USA
Alternative lenses
Frames per Second16+24+32+48
Technical Data3OR, FF, FW, K
Weight (gram)
Width in mm
Start of Production1957
End of Production1959
New Price150
Collector's Value US-$55


for the “Technical Data” category

2MZ two-speed motor driven zoom lens

3MZ three-speed motor driven zoom lens

5MZ five-speed motor driven zoom lens

2OR twin-lens turret

3OR triple-lens turret

4OR quadruple-lens turret

30m/120m Sp reels with film length indication in meters

60m-SK 200 ft. (60m) sound cartridge

abG screw-off or removable grip

AF autofocus, automatic focussing of lens

AL action light

B blimp

BAJ bayonet

BGr bow grip

BM exposure meter

BSY flashlight synchronizing contact

BW wide-screen motion picture, similar to Cinemascope

CdS CdS external exposure measurement

CdS-TTL CdS exposure measuring through the lens (TTL)

C-m C-mount interchangeable lens

D-m D-mount interchangeable lens

EBZ frame counter

E-Mot electromotor, electric motor

Fade automatic action fade-in and fade-out

FF fixed focus

FRW manual film rewind by crank or

special accessories

FW clockwork

haBM semiautomatic exposure measuring by means of

tracking pointer

haBM-TTL semiautomatic exposure measuring through the lens (TTL)by means of tracking pointer

HK 1U8B manual lever, i.e.: one turn exposes eight frames

K special cartridge for 8, 9.5 or 16mm film

KGr folding grip

Li optical sound

Ma magnetic sound

Macro close-up shots closer than 2 ft. (0.5m) to the front lens possible

manÜB manual superimposition

motFRW motor driven rewind

motRF motor driven reverse filming

mZ manual zoom without motor drive

OR lens turret

RX reflex viewfinder

Quarz quartz control

SA self-timer

Se selenium photovoltaic cell

Si-TTL silicon exposure measuring through the lens

Sp reel

sm slow motion

TBA tape recorder joint, start/stop function only, does not mean any lip-synchronization

Timer timer for time-lapse effects

TS sound synchronization joint, control of a tape recorder by means of pulse

TTL exposure measuring through the lens

ÜB automatic superimpositions

vMZ varying motor driven zoom speed

vSB varying sector aperture

WO interchangeable lens

XL XL camera, utilizes “eXisting Light” through 200-230° shutter opening of the rotating shutter and high luminous intensity of the lens (better than f/1.5)

Zu tension member instead of lever to wind the clockwork


for the “Housing” category

Housing material

AG aluminum housing

BG bakelite housing

HG wooden housing

KG synthetic housing

MG metal housing

Art of coating

HSL hammer effect enamel

KSL wrinkle finish

KTL crystalline enamel

PFL peacock feather effect

PLL cracked varnish

SRL crinkle finish

Surface material

E linen cover

H bonded wood or imitation wood

K synthetic coating

L bonded leather or imitation leather

Housing colors

bei beige

bla blue

blagra blue-gray

bra brown

dbl dark blue

dbr dark brown

dgr dark gray

dgrü dark green

gbr gray-brown

gel yellow

gra gray

grü green

hbr light brown

hgr light gray

sgr silver-gray

rob red-brown

rot red

sch black

sil silver

tür turquoise

wei white

The “Frequency” column indicates how many times the specific camera was made:

0 single piece or prototype, extremely rare

1 small series or initial series up to 1,000 units, very rare

2 1,000 – 10,000 units made, rare

3 10,000 – 50,000 units made

4 50,000 – 100,000 units made, can be found frequently

5 more than 100,000 units of one model made, can be found frequently

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